Retaining God’s Word

Retaining God’s Word

When my siblings and I were young, our mom helped us memorize many Bible verses by setting them to music. We sang them so much that even now, I can remember each verse just by humming the tune that goes along with it. Little did we know then that our mother was not just teaching… Continue Reading

The Joy of Fellowship with God

The Joy of Fellowship with God

The more than abundant life is available today for those born-again believers who maintain their fellowship with God. This fellowship brings fullness of joy to a Christian’s life. I John 1:3,4: That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us: and truly our fellowship is… Continue Reading

Claiming Our Wholeness

Claiming Our Wholeness

Because of the accomplishments of Jesus Christ, we have been redeemed—delivered, liberated, and released—from the legal ownership of the adversary, the prince of the power of the air. I Corinthians 6:20: For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s. Jesus Christ paid the… Continue Reading

Your Life Makes a Difference

Your Life Makes a Difference

In order to see your way through the darkness of a room, what do you need? You need light. Similarly, in order to dispel the darkness of this world, God needs His lights to shine brightly for Him and make a difference in this world. Philippians 2:15: That ye may be blameless and harmless, the… Continue Reading

Responding with God’s Love and Goodness

Responding with God’s Love and Goodness

Sometimes in life, regardless of our best efforts to manifest the love of God in our homes, our workplaces, and our communities, we encounter individuals who exhibit unkindness or even hostility in return. It can be tempting to respond to them with unkind words or behaviors of our own. But how does God want us… Continue Reading

Forgiveness among Believers

Forgiveness among Believers

Ephesians 4:32: And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you. This is how our heavenly Father wants us to treat one another in the household of God. He had the Epistle of Ephesians written to faithful born-again believers in the Grace Administration, where… Continue Reading

God Supplies Our Need

God Supplies Our Need

Have you ever stood behind someone in line at a cash register in a food mart or a gas station and watched that person pull out their ones, tens, twenties, or more to play the lottery? Each person who buys a ticket gives up a portion of their paycheck for the possibility of receiving a… Continue Reading

Living with Thanksgiving

Living with Thanksgiving

When I was fresh out of high school, I got handed a job that I really liked. It was an office job downtown in my favorite city. It paid a good salary, I got on-the-job training, my boss was kind and fair, and my co-workers were a joy. I was so happy to go to… Continue Reading

Say What the Word Says

Say What the Word Says

About a year ago, I was facing a series of setbacks. I was not getting the results that I knew were available from the Word. As the days passed by with no improvement, I began to speak negatively about my situation. Just as I was about to give up and accept less than God’s best… Continue Reading

Not Ashamed of the Gospel

Not Ashamed of the Gospel

When it comes to giving presents to people, I like to find the perfect one for each person. I consider what they like or what they may need, and then I try to find something that really “hits the sweet spot”—something that fills a need or touches their heart in a special way. Well, I… Continue Reading