Marriage God’s Way

Marriage God’s Way

Take a moment to reflect upon the order, beauty, and perfection of the patterns of God’s creation here on planet Earth—we can find them all around us. Consider the rhythms and patterns of the seasons of the year and the tides of the ocean. And how marvelous are the movements of the stars in the… Continue Reading

Positively Affecting Society

Positively Affecting Society

As a college student, I noted that there seemed to be such injustice and inequality in the world, and I wanted to be part of the solution to these societal ills. However, the more I studied, the more confused I got as to what the solution should be: travel overseas on a mission program to… Continue Reading

What Is Our Duty?

What Is Our Duty?

Duty, simply said, is what we “ought” to do in a given situation. In our society, children have a duty to their parents and parents to their children. Those in the military have a duty to their country. Teachers have a duty to their students. Duty can be defined as obligatory conduct, service, or functions… Continue Reading

Biblical Ethics

Biblical Ethics

How can we live our best each day, making sound ethical decisions? According to one dictionary, “ethics” is the discipline dealing with what is good and bad and with moral duty and obligation. Perhaps you’ve heard the term “moral compass.” A compass gives direction to help us get where we want to go physically; a… Continue Reading

Genuine versus Counterfeit

Genuine versus Counterfeit

A shopper strolls down the aisle of a grocery store, picks up each brand of a product, and reads the ingredients on the label until she finds the one that seems the best to her. But why does she bother taking the time to investigate each item? Isn’t one bottle, say, of pure olive oil,… Continue Reading

Dating God’s Way

Dating God’s Way

As a child I would often walk around my house and the property surrounding it. It seemed to be just the right size for me. I had plenty of room to laugh, play, and enjoy being outdoors. I had all of my needs met within the boundaries of that land, and I enjoyed my childhood… Continue Reading

Powerful Words of Edification

Powerful Words of Edification

Have you ever been around someone who is always speaking positive, loving words? Do you remember how built up and encouraged you felt after spending time with them? Do you know that you can do the same for those around you? Romans 14:19: Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and… Continue Reading

Homosexuality: Choice Not Genetics

Homosexuality: Choice Not Genetics

One of the many ways God has demonstrated His love toward us is by giving us freedom of will. Each of us has freedom to choose which way to go in life. God also lovingly made known His will so we could decide to follow the directions to His blessings and care. He did this… Continue Reading

God’s Word Is God’s Will

God’s Word Is God’s Will

Psalms 33:11: The counsel of the Lord [God’s Word] standeth for ever, the thoughts of his heart to all generations. When we go to God’s Word, we find the thoughts of God’s heart—His will—to you and me. The Word of God shows us His will for our lives. The Scriptures rightly divided are the words… Continue Reading

We’re Better Together

We’re Better Together

Once a person is born again of God’s spirit by confessing Jesus as lord and believing that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9,10), he or she is capable of walking spiritually with power and love. Any and all born-again believers can walk this way because God has spiritually enabled them with the gift… Continue Reading