Having a Merry Heart

Having a Merry Heart

Believing parents want to provide their children with everything they need. They will feed them, dress them, hold them, keep them safe, and above all teach them God’s Word. Because they do all these things for their children, their children can live a joy-filled life with a merry heart. What if someone told you that… Continue Reading

Why Obey?

Why Obey?

One of the greatest things God has given mankind is free will, the power to choose. In a busy world that tirelessly competes for our attention, God through His Word tenderly makes clear what the best choices in life really are. In the Old Testament, God lovingly instructed the children of Israel on the way… Continue Reading

Fit to Give

Fit to Give

God wants all of us to prosper and be in health (III John 2), and He has equipped His children with the means to do so. He has given us a body that is designed to heal itself, a sound mind (II Timothy 1:7) to believe His Word, and holy spirit to operate His power. Then… Continue Reading

Word-Conditioned: Holding Fast to the Truth

Word-Conditioned: Holding Fast to the Truth

Have you ever walked in a wind so strong it felt almost as if you could be blown away? But then you held onto something solid, and you knew you would not be tossed about or carried away. Sometimes life’s transitions bring about challenging circumstances or pressures that try to toss and turn us about.… Continue Reading

God―Our Greatest Protection

God―Our Greatest Protection

We all need protection at times—protection from the environment, from disease, and even from people. Good planning and preparation can help us to be safe in challenging situations, but ultimately it is God Who is our greatest protection. He works in us to keep us safe from any danger, and He causes us to prosper… Continue Reading