Giving Our All in the Body of Christ

Giving Our All in the Body of Christ

Every born-again believer in the Body of Christ has the same measure of the faith of Jesus Christ and is therefore equipped to contribute in this Body. No matter our function, we can make a positive difference as we give and serve with our whole hearts. Romans 12 tells us that all born-again believers have… Continue Reading

The Ministries of Helps and Governments

The Ministries of Helps and Governments

God needs men, women, and young people who are willing to help and guide others into living the more abundant life. Two necessary functions in moving God’s Word over the world are the ministries of helps and governments. These functions are part of God’s plan for ministering in the Church Age, the Grace Administration. Helps… Continue Reading

An Overview of the Gift Ministries

An Overview of the Gift Ministries

God’s infinite and merciful loving-kindness is clearly seen in the structure and His beautiful design of the Body of Christ, the born-again believers, in the Age of Grace. We have benefits individually as a result of the new birth, and also benefits proceeding from our loving God working in the hearts of men and women… Continue Reading

The Purpose of the Gift Ministries

The Purpose of the Gift Ministries

When a person becomes born again, he or she receives from God the gift of holy spirit. That person also becomes a member of the Body of Christ. In the Body of Christ, there are seasoned believers who can help others grow. Some are ministers operating the gift ministries that help the believers in their… Continue Reading

Manifest God’s Power: Prayer and Speaking the Word

Manifest God’s Power: Prayer and Speaking the Word

God is a God of great power. He has given His people the ability to show forth His abundant power by praying and speaking His Word. Throughout time, God’s magnificent power has been in manifestation. One way God has made it available to manifest His power is by praying. Mark 11:24:Therefore I say unto you,… Continue Reading

Manifest God’s Power: Holy Spirit and Believing

Manifest God’s Power: Holy Spirit and Believing

While in graduate school, I took our ministry’s Foundational Class and learned from God’s Word that when I got born again, I received God’s gift of holy spirit power, which I could manifest in my life. One way to manifest that power is by speaking in tongues. I started to speak in tongues in my… Continue Reading

The One True God

The One True God

On The Way International’s website is a beautiful, clear statement of our beliefs, and one of those statements says, “We believe in one God, the Creator of the heavens and earth; in Jesus Christ, God’s only begotten Son, our lord and savior, whom God raised from the dead; and we believe in the workings of… Continue Reading

Recognizing and Claiming God’s Promises

Recognizing and Claiming God’s Promises

Have you ever had to face a situation that was intimidating or overwhelming, but your big brother or best friend showed up, gave you that knowing look, and said, “I’ve got your back”? When that happens, your confidence level rises, and you are ready to take it on! God Almighty, the Creator of the heavens… Continue Reading

Our Souls Can Prosper!

Our Souls Can Prosper!

Each person is so unique! God gave each of us soul life, and this is a fascinating aspect of our lives. It’s recorded in Genesis 2:7 that God “breathed into his [Adam’s] nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” Because we have soul life, we are able to think, to act,… Continue Reading

Positive Confessions for Victory!

Positive Confessions for Victory!

I can think back on many occasions when, as a child, I spoke out loud the first thing that came to my mind. Time after time, my parents would graciously remind me of the importance of watching our confessions. We want the words we speak to reflect what God’s Word says about our situation—not what… Continue Reading