Claiming Our Rights as Sons of God

Claiming Our Rights as Sons of God

When you wake up in the morning, what do you see when you look in the mirror? Do you see that you are a son of God with all power? Well, here is something every born-again believer can wake up and say to themselves when they look in the mirror: “I am what the Word… Continue Reading

Being Patient with Ourselves in Staying Fit to Serve

Being Patient with Ourselves in Staying Fit to Serve

To be patient can be defined as “steadfast despite opposition, difficulty, or adversity” or “able to accept or tolerate delays, problems, or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious.” Have you ever become discouraged or anxious in pursuing physical fitness goals because you encountered problems, difficulty, or delays along the way? I have! God provided us… Continue Reading

Benefits of Staying Fit to Serve

Benefits of Staying Fit to Serve

Our loving heavenly Father has graciously made each and every one of us marvelous. A psalmist in the Old Testament states this so beautifully. Psalm 139:14:I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well. What a tremendous reality! What God has done… Continue Reading

Biblical Examples of Being Fit to Serve

Biblical Examples of Being Fit to Serve

In The Way Ministry, I have been taught that one of the greatest activating principles of human life is the motivation to serve. I have found this to be true as I have seen that believers love to serve. We love to run ministry classes, we love to teach the Bible in our homes, we… Continue Reading

Staying Fit to Serve

Staying Fit to Serve

Growing up, I developed a love for health and fitness. I worked for a number of years in the fitness industry and saw firsthand how improving one’s physical fitness improved one’s quality of life. As I have grown in my understanding of God’s Word, I have learned that our physical health is closely tied not… Continue Reading

Our Spiritual Blessings: Redemption

Our Spiritual Blessings: Redemption

Recently, the customer in front of me at a drive-through paid the bill for my coffee. I was very blessed by that. But I am even more blessed to know that God has paid a bill for me and for you—a very big bill. We are extremely blessed as children of God, and one of… Continue Reading

Our Spiritual Blessings: Sanctification

Our Spiritual Blessings: Sanctification

When I was little, I had a stuffed animal toy that was my favorite. It was a small white bear, and it was precious to me. In my mind it was the best one. No other stuffed animal compared to it. However, not everyone shared my opinion about it. They didn’t see it as I… Continue Reading

Our Spiritual Blessings: Righteousness

Our Spiritual Blessings: Righteousness

One dictionary definition of a blessing is “something promoting or contributing to happiness, well-being, or prosperity.” Who would not want to know all they can about something that contributes to their happiness, well-being, or prosperity? God’s Word tells us in Ephesians 1:3 that God has “…blessed us with all spiritual blessings….” One of our spiritual… Continue Reading

Our Spiritual Blessings: Wisdom

Our Spiritual Blessings: Wisdom

God blessed us with all spiritual blessings when we became born again. He wants us to know what these blessings are and how to utilize them. I Corinthians 1:30 is among the scriptures that mention some of these. I Corinthians 1:30:But of him [God] are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto… Continue Reading

Biblical Examples of Courageous Living: Jeremiah

Biblical Examples of Courageous Living: Jeremiah

As God’s children, we can courageously take action on what God has called us to do for Him. One of the things God has called us to do is to speak His Word so that others, too, can experience the more abundant life. Sometimes that can be challenging. For example, have you ever wanted to… Continue Reading