Overcoming Fear

Overcoming Fear

“This is a wonderful place to live. It has everything I need and want, and it’s exactly where I need to be to achieve my goals. There is only one thing; it is on the second floor.” I had undergone hip surgery several years before and the thought of a set of stairs was causing me concern. I had healed completely, but the thought of those stairs was building anxiety in my mind. In the past I had difficulty climbing stairs and had even fallen, so these negative thoughts were creeping in. I decided to share my concerns with my fellowship coordinators and get some help. They encouraged me to consider my current condition, not my past physical limitations. They told me it was my decision, but it sounded like a wonderful place to live and pursue my spiritual goals. I decided to renew my mind to God’s Word, dispel any of my fears, and act with confidence. Overcoming fear takes making a choice; it’s deciding to remember the promises of God and move ahead, claiming the abundance in life that God desires for us to enjoy.

We always want to eliminate fear, and we do it by introducing the light of God’s Word into our minds. It is the introduction of light that dispels darkness, not the dwelling on the darkness that introduces light. The truth of the Word and of Christ is our light and power in life; this is our release from fears—and worries, anxieties, frustrations, heartaches, headaches, and everything else that comes along. One of the first verses that came to my mind in the housing situation was II Timothy 1:7.

II Timothy 1:7:
For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

As born-again believers, we have the right and privilege to rely on God’s power each day. We can live love, which is the antidote for fear. We can think the useful and pure thoughts of God’s Word to eliminate fear because God has given us a sound mind.

To overcome fear, we discipline our thinking to keep our mind fixed and steadfast on the truths of God’s Word.

Proverbs 28:1:
The wicked flee when no man pursueth: but the righteous are bold as a lion.

As we change our thinking, as we develop a mental image that lines up with God’s vision for us and stick to it, we will be prosperous, fruitful, and bold as a lion. We have a choice between believing and walking on the spiritual knowledge provided by God’s Word, or the natural knowledge available through the world. Here are five practical steps to walking in freedom mentally, including freedom from fear:

  1. Get clear; be specific about your intentions.

  2. Get concerned about what you want to do.

  3. Make sure you put enough of the Word into your mind. Then think the Word and do the Word. The more of the Word you apply, the more you will see your life changing into a bold and fearless life.

  4. Have endurance. Get rid of negative thoughts of unbelief and fear; keep your thoughts in order. Get additional support if needed (more Scripture, more fellowship, more believing action). Progress may be incremental at times, but it is assured.

  5. Reap the harvest; enjoy the fruit of your labor. God guarantees the results. If we are tempted to fear in any situation of life, we can turn our attention to the One Who delivers us from fear. We can seek Him by seeking His wonderful Word, which provides us with solid answers we can rely on to be victorious.

Psalm 34:4:
I sought the Lord, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.

Fear always brings a snare or a prison, but when we trust in God, we can be safe, secure, and free from fear.

Proverbs 29:25:
The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the Lord shall be safe.

Did I move into that wonderful home that met my needs and desires? Yes. I am living there now, joyfully and abundantly, as I pursue my spiritual goals.

Psalm 27:1:
The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?

Overcoming fear takes making a choice; it’s a decision to remember the promises of God and move ahead, claiming the abundance in life that God desires for us to enjoy. As we live God’s Word, we can be safe, secure, and free from all fear.

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