God Is Our Sufficiency

God Is Our Sufficiency

…things. This is His part of the relationship. He supplies and never comes short or late. But we have a part in this relationship as well—we trust. In our relationship… Continue Reading

Giving to God—The Tithe

Giving to God—The Tithe

…Abraham’s abundance in the material realm. We also see whom Abraham gave tithes of all his abundance to—he gave to God via His representative, Melchizedek. Abraham knew God had blessed… Continue Reading

Power in Renewing the Mind

Power in Renewing the Mind

…salvation. How then can we “renew” our minds? We renew our minds by bringing our thinking up to the level of God’s Word. Isaiah 55:8,9: For my thoughts are not… Continue Reading

Being in One Accord

Being in One Accord

In the early days of the Grace Administration, the born-again believers were a part of something new—the Church of Grace, the one Body of Christ. They were stepping away from… Continue Reading

Ephesians 4: Truthing It

Ephesians 4: Truthing It

New Testament defines alētheuō in Ephesians 4:15 as “to profess the truth (true doctrine).” The Companion Bible notes that this word literally means “truthing it.” When we “truth it,” we… Continue Reading