Why Read and Study Godā€™s Word?

Why Read and Study God’s Word?

…verse means “to make whole.” God desires for every believer to be made completely whole in every way, and reading and studying His Word brings wholeness. Psalms 119:105: Thy word… Continue Reading

Claiming Our Wholeness

Claiming Our Wholeness

…sin, but he also bore our sicknesses. Matthew 8:17: …Himself [Jesus] took our infirmities, and bare our sicknesses. Jesus Christ accomplished a complete work, not only for salvation from sin,… Continue Reading

Godā€™s Majesty and Power

Godā€™s Majesty and Power

[forefather] Abraham….” Let’s see what “glory” as found in this title means so we can have a better understanding of our heavenly Father’s majesty and power. In the Old Testament,… Continue Reading

It Is Christ in You!

It Is Christ in You!

completeness is so complete that verse 10 in Aramaic has the emphasis that “we are completely, completely, absolutely complete in him.” We lack nothing! We can now confess, “I’m complete… Continue Reading

Giving God the Glory

Giving God the Glory

…the Lord, Let the people rejoice! O come to the Father through Jesus the Son, And give Him the glory, great things He hath done.” Click Here to download PDF… Continue Reading

Power in Prayer Together

Power in Prayer Together

…is too big for God, and we can pray together to see God’s hand in action. When we pray with others, we build each other’s believing to expect those answers Continue Reading

Teaching Children Godā€™s Word

Teaching Children God’s Word

…children, everyone benefits! Children learn to claim God’s promises. Parents experience gladness and rejoicing. And God’s works continue to be declared from generation to generation. Click Here to download PDF… Continue Reading

Benefits of Staying Fit to Serve

Benefits of Staying Fit to Serve

Our loving heavenly Father has graciously made each and every one of us marvelous. A psalmist in the Old Testament states this so beautifully. Psalm 139:14: I will praise thee;… Continue Reading