Leading with Godly Temperance

Leading with Godly Temperance

…of God’s Word. To enjoy success in the spiritual competition, we must follow God’s example. We will experience the greatest victory in bringing ourselves and others to the more abundant… Continue Reading

We Are Living Epistles

We Are Living Epistles

…believing! I began to treat and see them differently, and they responded. Our whole family was at the next Advanced Class, and we had a life-changing experience—with the Word of… Continue Reading

Living with Thanksgiving

Living with Thanksgiving

…with no previous work experience! He said, “Isn’t that something to be thankful for? After all, we really can’t compare ourselves with others in the workforce.” His logic appealed to… Continue Reading

The Love of God Never Fails

The Love of God Never Fails

Are you aware that the New Testament describes two distinctly different types of love that are available for us to know about, experience, and demonstrate? These are expressed in the… Continue Reading

Serving by Leading

Serving by Leading

…in our household fellowships, or elsewhere, we provide a service to others. The greatest leader is the greatest servant. As we serve others by leading with God’s love, manifesting gentleness… Continue Reading

The Joy of Fellowshipping Together

The Joy of Fellowshipping Together

…also a joy to hear words that comfort and encourage us directly from our heavenly Father by way of the worship manifestations. At home fellowship meetings, we come before God’s… Continue Reading