Dedicated to Service

Dedicated to Service

…Him and His people. Our love for God and our thankfulness to Him fuel our service and are reflected in how big we freely give. Click Here to download PDF… Continue Reading

Righteous in Christ

Righteous in Christ

…need to condemn ourselves for our past sins or current weaknesses and shortcomings. We have been set free from the unjust accusations that our adversary, the Devil, tries to put… Continue Reading

Our Power of Attorney

Our Power of Attorney

…all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come: And hath put… Continue Reading

We’re Better Together

We’re Better Together

…all kinds that set people free. We can see that same power today! God energizes us according to our believing, love, and commitment to serve. Truths like “I can do… Continue Reading

Praying for Those in Authority

Praying for Those in Authority

…the freedom for believers in our nations and communities to live and stand for God without fear. This truly is beautiful and pleasing to God. Click Here to download PDF… Continue Reading