Serving in Love

Serving in Love

…teaching them that they should be willing to do the lowliest task in order to bless each other. Later in this record, Jesus gave his followers a new commandment. John… Continue Reading

Edifying One Another

Edifying One Another

…Thayer’s Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament expounds on this usage: “to promote growth in Christian wisdom, affection, grace, virtue, holiness, blessedness.” When we edify other believers, we are building… Continue Reading

Living with Thanksgiving

Living with Thanksgiving

…I found out that a newly hired worker was getting a higher wage than I was. My happy attitude disappeared, and I got upset. I thought, “The management owes me… Continue Reading

Serving God as a Family

Serving God as a Family

for different situations. Dr. Victor Paul Wierwille wrote in The Life-style of A Believer, “…Living a life of service and commitment…produces the greatest attainable freedom.” The more abundant life lies… Continue Reading

We Shine as Lights!

We Shine as Lights!

…also revealed truths regarding light. This verse in Revelation is in reference to the new heaven and the new earth. Revelation 22:5: And there shall be no night there; and… Continue Reading

How to Get Born Again

How to Get Born Again

…discerned. Natural men and women of only body and soul cannot know the wonderful, spiritual things God wants them to know. One must be born again and become complete—body, soul,… Continue Reading