Say What the Word Says

Say What the Word Says

and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith. There are two important… Continue Reading

Forgiveness among Believers

Forgiveness among Believers

…Holy Ghost [Holy Spirit, God]. When we were born again, we received complete remission—a cleansing, a wiping out, of our past sins—because of what Jesus Christ accomplished for us. God… Continue Reading

Your Life Makes a Difference

Your Life Makes a Difference

…its full functioning: we need each other to be complete and to have the maximum impact for God. We are better together than we are alone. I Corinthians 12:20,21: But… Continue Reading

The Joy of Fellowship with God

The Joy of Fellowship with God

…act according to God’s Word, we will maintain our sweet fellowship with Him and our lives will be full, rich, strong, and filled with joy. Click Here to download PDF… Continue Reading

Faint Not!

Faint Not!

…our lord and savior is coming back to gather the born-again ones will help our circumstances grow dim in comparison and will help us faint not. II Corinthians 4:15-18: For Continue Reading

Praising God Not Jesus

Praising God Not Jesus

…accomplishments are the means whereby people come to the Father. John 14:6: Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the… Continue Reading

Why Pray?

Why Pray?

and do not even know what to pray for, speaking in tongues is a tremendous comfort! Romans 8:26,27: Likewise the Spirit [God] also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not… Continue Reading

The Healing Realities of Holy Communion

The Healing Realities of Holy Communion

Jesus Christ made us whole—spiritually and physically—and the memorial of holy communion reminds us of this! Partaking of holy communion helps us remember the significance of Christ’s accomplishments for us… Continue Reading

Holding Forth the Word of Life

Holding Forth the Word of Life

…God that we don’t agree with and still have the Word. God’s Word says the following about marriage in the Old Testament, in the Gospels, and in the New Testament…. Continue Reading

Our Children Getting Wisdom

Our Children Getting Wisdom

…from God, or godly wisdom. Proverbs 2:6 says, “For the Lord giveth wisdom: out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding.” What is wisdom? It is the right application of… Continue Reading