Truly Satisfied in Service

Truly Satisfied in Service

…life is the motivation to serve…. Living a life of service and commitment…produces the greatest attainable freedom.” A life of service is a truly satisfying life. I’ve seen firsthand that… Continue Reading

Serving God as a Family

Serving God as a Family

for different situations. Dr. Victor Paul Wierwille wrote in The Life-style of A Believer, “…Living a life of service and commitment…produces the greatest attainable freedom.” The more abundant life lies… Continue Reading

We Shine as Lights!

We Shine as Lights!

For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the… Continue Reading

Bringing Forth Fruit

Bringing Forth Fruit

…air, and light, the plant grows freely. Like plant growth, spiritual growth has a timing to it; it takes place progressively from one stage to the next. Our continued desire… Continue Reading

We Choose to Renew!

We Choose to Renew!

…keep thy commandments. Psalms 119:112: I have inclined mine heart to perform thy statutes alway…. Each day and each moment of the day we can renew our mind by putting… Continue Reading

God Loves a Cheerful Giver

God Loves a Cheerful Giver

…me than about the company I worked for. As a result, I wasn’t the greatest employee, and I wasn’t helping the business prosper. Once I learned what God did for Continue Reading

Living One Day at a Time

Living One Day at a Time

…is all God expects of any believer: to perform what we’ve committed ourselves to Him to do, one day at a time. Our commitments could include our marriages, our children,… Continue Reading