Our Source of Abundance

Our Source of Abundance

El Shaddai, sometimes translated “God Almighty,” is one of the titles of God. As the Almighty God, He is the fathomless fountain of living waters, completely bountiful. God Almighty is… Continue Reading

Is God Responsible for Evil?

Is God Responsible for Evil?

It is widely believed that God makes bad things happen. This belief is so common in today’s culture that even insurance companies classify natural disasters as “acts of God.” Some… Continue Reading

Speaking That Which Is Good

Speaking That Which Is Good

…born-again believers, we can become kind to one another. Become Tenderhearted The Greek word translated “tenderhearted” implies compassion. And in this context, we’re being instructed to show compassion to one… Continue Reading

Speaking Words That Build Up

Speaking Words That Build Up

…part of Ephesians 4:29 again: Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth…. Here God exhorts us to let no corrupt communication proceed out of our mouths. “Corrupt” means… Continue Reading