Relying on God to Do His Part

Relying on God to Do His Part

At times in life, we may face adversity that seems beyond our ability to handle. We may feel challenged beyond our natural limits. It’s a good thing we have a heavenly Father Who is all-powerful! We can have confidence in God and rely on Him to see us through any situation. “You do your best.… Continue Reading

Building Trust in God

Building Trust in God

God, our present and personal Father, is truly a refuge and source of protection when we choose to trust in Him. But what does it mean to trust God? Webster’s New World Dictionary defines the English verb “trust” as “to believe in the honesty, integrity, justice, etc. of; have confidence in.” As our understanding of… Continue Reading

Uniting with Like-Minded Believers

Uniting with Like-Minded Believers

Unity within a group of people has a powerful effect. This was evident one year when my husband and I watched our favorite baseball team go from having a terrible record during the first part of the season to winning the World Series. So, how did this happen? The team developed a great camaraderie, a… Continue Reading

Godly Confidence to Act on the Word

Godly Confidence to Act on the Word

Hear ye! Hear ye! Have you heard what God has done? Well, the Bible is packed full of records about exactly what God has done for men and women throughout the ages. Hearing about what God has done for others and remembering what He has done for us in the past, helps us build godly… Continue Reading

Balancing Godly Confidence with Meekness

Balancing Godly Confidence with Meekness

As God’s born-again children, we have been given great power and ability. We are God’s masterpiece and are seated in the heavenlies! While we want to be confident in the power and ability we have to manifest, we also want to keep a balance of godly confidence and meekness. By recognizing that God is our… Continue Reading

Giving God the Glory

Giving God the Glory

To God be the glory, great things He has done! Giving God the glory is a Word-centered alternative to bringing glory to ourselves. When we choose to give glory to God, we can walk in the love of God that never fails. The love of God does not vaunt itself. In order to walk in… Continue Reading

Celebrating Each Other’s Strengths in God’s Household

Celebrating Each Other’s Strengths in God’s Household

I grew up in a large family. We did not have a lot of money, but our family had lots of love and we always had fun. Many of our vacations were spent camping—in a borrowed tent—and we used blankets because we didn’t have sleeping bags. The neighbor kids would say, “You’re lucky, you got… Continue Reading

Forbearing One Another in Love

Forbearing One Another in Love

Growing up, I enjoyed playing a variety of sports. My favorite sports were team-based, those in which the difference between victory and defeat was the effort of the group rather than one individual. To this day, I love watching teams that excel at working in a unified effort to win in their realm of competition.… Continue Reading

God’s Word Will Not Return Void

God’s Word Will Not Return Void

There are many things in life we may be unsure about, but God’s Word does not need to be one of them. His Word is faithful, trustworthy, and sure. He assures us His Word will not return void, or come back without effect. He fulfills His promises to us when we believe, because when God… Continue Reading

The Love of God Never Fails

The Love of God Never Fails

Are you aware that the New Testament describes two distinctly different types of love that are available for us to know about, experience, and demonstrate? These are expressed in the Greek as agapē, divine love or the love of God, and philia, natural or human love. It is agapē love, the love of God in… Continue Reading