What Are Biblical Administrations?

What Are Biblical Administrations?

I once read a letter that was addressed to my mother. As I read the letter, I gained a lot of information but could not act on it all. Why could I not act on it? Because the letter was not addressed to me. Could I learn from it? Certainly. But since it was not… Continue Reading

Peter and Cornelius

Peter and Cornelius

On the day of Pentecost, God made available the gift of holy spirit for all who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. This truth, however, was not fully understood in a practical sense until almost fifteen years later, when God sent Peter to the house of a devout Gentile, Cornelius. As we consider the record… Continue Reading

Paul: The Power to Change

Paul: The Power to Change

Can a person really change for the better? This question is asked so often, it is almost cliché. What is God’s viewpoint on this question? Can a person really change? The Book of Acts gives an account of a person changing drastically for the better. At one point in his life, Saul (later referred to… Continue Reading

Preaching Christ

Preaching Christ

Because of his accomplishments, we can preach Christ today and manifest the distinctive power in his name in the Grace Administration. We preach the blessings of the glorified Christ and our completeness in him as born-again sons of God. This is our lifestyle of illustrating what God has done in Christ. There are differences between… Continue Reading

What Does Pentecost Mean to Us Today?

What Does Pentecost Mean to Us Today?

The first Pentecost after the resurrection of Jesus Christ was many, many years ago; but on that day something happened that still affects us today. Because of what God accomplished through Christ, a new period of time in God’s historical and spiritual timetable arrived—the Grace Administration. On that day, God poured out His gift of… Continue Reading

The Book of Acts: Our Blueprint for Today

The Book of Acts: Our Blueprint for Today

Have you ever tried to accomplish something without any instruction? Sure, we can muddle through with trial and error and maybe make a little progress. But isn’t it always helpful to have direction and an example of how to do something, enabling us to streamline our efforts and see profitable results? Well, God gave us… Continue Reading

The Fruit of the Spirit

The Fruit of the Spirit

Imagine the most vibrantly red, juicy, incredibly flavorful tomato you have ever eaten. Maybe you ate it all by itself because it was that good. I know I’ve done this. The best tomatoes (and fruit in general) are produced when the plant has the rich soil, vital nutrients, and attentive care it needs for proper… Continue Reading

Operating the Gift of Holy Spirit

Operating the Gift of Holy Spirit

Who doesn’t want the power to make things happen? As born-again believers, we have been filled with the gift of holy spirit (Acts 2:38), power from on high (Luke 24:49). We have power for abundant living. To see this power in manifestation, we must operate the gift God has given us. But how does it… Continue Reading

The Manifestations of Holy Spirit

The Manifestations of Holy Spirit

When the Apostle Paul traveled to Ephesus in Acts 19, he met born-again disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ. And he asked them a question: “Have ye received [lambanō, received into manifestation] the Holy Ghost [gift of holy spirit] since ye believed?” But they answered, “We have not so much as heard whether there be… Continue Reading

Who Is Qualified to Receive Holy Spirit?

Who Is Qualified to Receive Holy Spirit?

When I was a teenager, I looked forward to the day I would receive my driver’s license so I could start driving. I longed for the freedom and power having a driver’s license would give me. But not so fast…I would have to be qualified first! I would need to take a driver’s training course,… Continue Reading