United and Victorious: Jonathan and His Armor-Bearer

United and Victorious: Jonathan and His Armor-Bearer

Whenever and wherever believers are like-minded on the Word and will devote serious effort together to accomplish God’s will, God will do mighty things to bring that believing effort to a victorious result. I Samuel 14 provides an account of how two men stood together unified and, as a result, brought victory over their adversary,… Continue Reading

Families Serving Together

Families Serving Together

All of us, at varying points in our lives, have had to learn something that was new and possibly completely foreign to us. This can include subjects in school, professional skills and hobbies, and God’s Word. As convenient as it would be, we weren’t able to simply download the knowledge into our brains and immediately… Continue Reading

Looking on the Things of Others

Looking on the Things of Others

“Something is wrong. You are not your usual lighthearted self. Is there anything I can help you with?” When my friend spoke these words to me, my heart was comforted. Although I was struggling with a difficult situation, I had been trying to stay positive and put on a happy face. But my friend noticed… Continue Reading

Empowered to Live the Mystery

Empowered to Live the Mystery

On the day of Pentecost, because of what God accomplished by His Son, Jesus Christ, people could, for the first time, become born again of God’s spirit, empowered to live the riches of the glory of the Mystery. The great mystery is that both Judean and Gentile believers were now fellow heirs and of the… Continue Reading

You Are Important in the Body of Christ!

You Are Important in the Body of Christ!

Everyone knows that your hand is important—a vital part of your physical body. Did you know that every part of your body is important? Even the littlest toe on your foot has a vital function to perform! The purpose of the little toe is to provide balance and propulsion. Of course, the little toe does… Continue Reading

Guided into “All Truth”

Guided into “All Truth”

God has lovingly provided for us all the truth we need to know for our Christian walk and for living His Word together in this Grace Administration in which we live. It began with the promise Jesus Christ made to his disciples shortly before his arrest and crucifixion. John 16:12,13:I have yet many things to… Continue Reading

What Is the Great Mystery?

What Is the Great Mystery?

If you knew a secret that would change the entire world forever, would you be able to keep it to yourself? God did—for many, many years. Hidden deep in His heart was a secret so powerful that it would change the course of history forever. God had kept this secret, this mystery, since the world… Continue Reading

Speaking the Word Boldly

Speaking the Word Boldly

If you read throughout the Book of Acts, you can easily see that the first-century believers boldly spoke the Word of God. Be sure to note Peter and the other apostles, the believers in Jerusalem, Stephen, Philip, Paul and Barnabas, later Paul with Silas and Timotheus, Apollos, Aquila and Priscilla—these all spoke God’s Word without… Continue Reading

Reconciling Others in Christ’s Stead

Reconciling Others in Christ’s Stead

Born-again believers have been given the tremendous opportunity of representing the Lord Jesus Christ and carrying out the works he did while he was on earth, and greater works. John 14:12:Verily, verily, I [Jesus Christ] say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works… Continue Reading

We Are Needed!

We Are Needed!

Have you ever been in a situation where somebody needed you? Perhaps you were needed to fill a position on a sports team or at a job or to care for someone’s children. They needed you, and you were the one to fill that need. Perhaps knowing you were a necessary part of the team… Continue Reading